Are beards still in fashion? - Shrieky Blog


Wednesday 7 July 2021

Are beards still in fashion?

The beard no longer appeals to the French: this is the finding of a recent survey, which shows that only young people still like this type of hair.

Long synonymous with virility, the beard is however losing ground according to a recent survey carried out by OpinionWay for the brand Bic shave club and conducted among 1063 French people.

In this study (unusual, we grant you) we first learn that 84% of French people shave every week and 32% even shave every day. Daily shaving is more for men aged 50 and over, 44% of whom have adopted this routine.

The beard is also a question of geography: shaved men are more numerous in the northern half of France, while in the South and in the Paris region, bearded men remain in the majority.

The three-day beard, still trendy

A split that follows socio-professional categories for Christian Bromberger, professor of ethnology at the University of Provence: “there are more CSP + in the south-east than in the north-east of the country: the study confirms a slight superiority in terms of facial hair of CSP + compared to CSP-. ”

The beard, a “young thing”? Indeed, between 25 and 34 years, 92% of men wear a beard while those over 35 prefer a shaved face at 53%. The figure rises to 60% of those over 50 shaved.

On the style side, young people prefer fairly short hair styles, such as the (famous) three-day beard (33%) or the short, well-trimmed beard (14%). The mustache and sideburns, for their part, are considered “old-fashioned” by more than 30% of the French; the big beard provided hipster style attracts only 2% of respondents.